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Heart Duel

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Heart Duel

Celta Series - Book 3

About This Book

In HeartMate and Heart Thief, award-winning author Robin D. Owens built a world where psychic talents and desires of the heart flourish. Now, she returns to Celta with a story of star-crossed lovers…

Healer Lark Collinson hates the street dueling that is a way of life among the noble families on Celta—it was just such a skirmish that killed her Healer husband and left her a grieving
widow. The last thing she wants is to love a man to whom fighting is a way of life—a man like the brashly confident Holm Holly.

All it takes is one brief touch for Holm to know that Lark is his HeartMate, though wooing her will be his greatest challenge. For not only does she despise everything he represents, but the long-standing feud between their families has exploded into even greater violence. Their destiny has been revealed…but at what cost to their own hearts?