Worlds: Celta
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"A Little Taste of Samhain, November 1"
The twinmoons are high and golden in the sky this chill midnight when Halloween tips over into Samhain. Soon the ritual to honor those lost in the past year and to bless the new year will begin. This is the last harvest festival, summer's end the acceptance that winter is coming. An altar has food for the living...and a platter for the dead on this night when the walls between the worlds are thin.
At first the people in the grove are quiet as the circle is made, then the bonfire is lit and stories of those who passed away are recounted. Toasts are drunk and written regrets from the past are tossed into the fire. The new year is embraced. Stars – galaxies – seem to whirl through the sky, spinning white and bright as people circle the fire, hand clasped to hand, dancing.
Laughter and fellowship are celebrated, friends and family eat and drink of the harvest bounty. Cider – soft and hard – lays tangy on the tongue, ready to be followed by savory meat pies, then sugar-dusted pastries.
After sharing food comes meditation, and some may stare into the bonfire and try to see the future in the flames. Again people stand linked and let their magic and their hopes and dreams for themselves and their loved ones flow around the ritual circle. Then the circle is opened and folk will slip from the night and the silver and shadow grove into the warm and welcoming house.
Or they will teleport to their own special places and other, more intimate celebrations may commence...
Family Tree
Family Tree
Map of
Im excited.
Ive had a very poor/amateurish map of the two continents of
Celta presently known since before I was published. Finally I found
software that has helped me make it acceptable for general use. The cities
of Druida and Gael City are only dots, but other landscape items can be seen
including the dreaded Great Washington Boghole. The map will be updated as
I become more famililar with the program.

The line drawing and final map of the northern continent of Celta.

Ornus: wild mountain ash
Fraxinus: olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, gray branchlets,
tough, elastic wood of an ash
Zanthoxylum americanume
- Prickley Ash Bark
T'Ash's Fam: Zanthoxyl,
Old English Names and Derivations
OE aesc--Lejer, (see British
St. Leger, Sellinger)
Welsh Words Associated
with T'Ash
Steel = Dur
Coal = Gloyn, Glo
Iron = Haearn
Carbon = Carbon
Traditional Celtic Color
for Ash--Glass Green, Hazeltourmaline
Celtan History/Ancestry
T'Ash's ancestor was the
rebel leader in the time of the last Captain of the
Starship Nuada's Sword right before the discovery of Celta. He married Missy (Mistletoe)
Wayland, a daughter of the Holly family.
Jacob Randolph
This boy's name is used in English. Its source is Randwulf, an Ancient Germanic
name meaning "Wolf shield." Nickname of Randolph is: Randy.
Thus the name RAND came
down the ancestral line as a first name for Rand
Cats/Fams/Animal Companions:
Zanth: huge black
and white tomcat with attitude, T'Ash's Fam in HeartMate, tagline "Life Is
grey tabby cat (not a Fam) who loves jewelry, Danith's cat in HeartMate
Ilexa: large hunting
cat of Tinne Holly in HeartMate
Samba: fat and sassy,
especially on her flying saucer, Fam of Ruis Elder in Heart Thief, tagline "Let's
Go Play"
Primrose: teacup
poodle puppy, Fam of Ailim D'SilverFir in Heart Thief
Meserv: fat and
lazy orange tabby tom kitten Fam of Holm Holly in Heart Thief
Phyl: tough tom
kitten Fam of Lark Hawthorn Collinson in Heart Thief
The kittens' tagline: "We all have fine fates."
Sinafin: fey-coo-cu
shapeshifter/fairy, companion/mentor/trickster of Alexa in Guardian of Honor,
coming February 2005 (also included are miscellaneous flying horses)
Boris: tough black
and white ghost/angel tomcat with attitude in the novella Road of Adventure, coming
July 2005 (see excerpt under Announcements on Home page)
Drina: blue-eyed
half Siamese Queen of the Universe Fam to Straif Blackthorn in Heart Choice, coming
in July 2005 tag line "Everyone adores Me," and "Everyone Who Counts
Adores Me." (see excerpt in WIP, Work In Progress)
Pinky: small cream
colored tomcat who becomes a Fam, companion to Antenn Moss in Heart Choice, coming
in July 2005 (no tag line yet - if you have ideas, get back to me before October
27th - next month)
Tuck: hamster who
travels with Marian to Lladrana and becomes intelligent and sentient (pay attention
to the golden walnut in Guardian of Honor!), in Sorceress of Faith, currently
scheduled for February 2006
Pictures Check back for pictures. |